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About GammaBit

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  1. Thanks for all the great feedback! You all are the best! I just uploaded a million small polish touches. The three big things: The typing game is a bit more responsive. It's still not perfect - but it's good enough "Shoot the glass" is now much easier. It was wayyyy to hard. Better sounds all around. Thanks again for playing it!
  2. [RELEASED!] War of the Broses

    Whoa - this looks great!
  3. ...and fixed the first (of many?) gamebreaking bug!
  4. It's a-live! PLAY "A CHRISTMAS BLAST" I haven't had a chance to test it on PC, so please let me know if you encounter issues! Oh man, this jam has been fun!
  5. [RELEASED!] War of the Broses

    This is a good thing!
  6. Thanks everybody! I've made some dumb games in the past - but I'm confident that this may be one of the dumbest. It's only got a couple minigames at the moment, though I'm fairly happy with the core loop:
  7. [Released] Palpable Dreams

    Holy heck - this is wonderful
  8. [EDIT] It's playable now: Hey everybody! I humbly offer up my late submission to this wonderful jam. A CHRISTMAS BLAST is Die Hard meets WarioWare. Frantically play through all your favorite Die Hard moments: show John McClane the watch, welcome Al Powell to the party, help Hans Gruber shoot the glass! Looking forward to playing through all the submissions!
  9. [RELEASED]Pizza Tonight!

    Yessssss. Wizard Jam needs more games about pizza.
  10. [Dev Log] SHADOW of SOMETHING

    Oh man - this is a wonderful idea. Now I want to make a FPS. (An FPS?)
  11. Everyone else has gone home. But you're still here. Working. (I know you're having fun but) I'm still working is a reflective game that seeks to capture the feeling of being the last person in the office. You know you should head home - but there's just one last thing you need to finish. Hopefully it'll resonate! Let me know what you think!
  12. WIZARD JAM 6 // Welcome Thread

    This interests me.
  13. [Release] Prepare for the Jelly

    Finally had a chance to play this - it's really well done! Great job!