I wonder the same! I get the sense we're nearing the end of Coop-as-Dougie (or at least a pivotal evolution) with the end of this episode switching to a tv-within-tv perspective. Coop-Dougie has gained visibility beyond his slice of suburbia and my hunch is that contacts from Coop's old life will see his ninja exploits on tv and ID him. It only makes sense in the Twin Peaks world where every piece of empirical evidence is visually associative (Hawk drops Indian head dime, Hawk sees logo on door, Hawk discovers missing diary pages). And every shred of Twin Peaks lore is a spread of iconographic nods (Lancelot Court/Merlin's Market, the numerology carried over from Fire Walk With Me, the "blue rose" carry-over from Fire Walk With Me, the blue-tone of each scene where "blue rose" has been mentioned so far, etc). Cookie-cutter suburbia and their deteriorating subdevelopments (the most American symbol of vapid exteriority) contains both potential for underlying psychic menace as well as its dual operators of good. Coop-Dougie will be seen and discovered and reconnected to the gestures of his old self. Whatever luck or intuition leads the characters of Twin Peaks from one clue to another, I think (hope?), will begin to merge the different (yet similar in their conflicts) landscapes together.