
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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About toblix

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    Fjord Lord
  • Birthday 06/29/1983

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  1. Finished this last night, and really loved it, especially Act IV. Hungry for more, like I often am, I looked up some discussions on the 'net, and found this forum post which instantly multiplied my nostalgia by a million and took me right back to my previous life as a terrible gaming forum guy (nowadays, I'm just a terrible guy): Then I logged on here and posted this! (fuuck, "emoticons" ❤️❤️❤️❤️, I think my previous post was from before emoji was even a thing)
  2. Thanks miffy! Yeah, it's totally my own shitty completionist fixation on a very peripheral element of the game that ruins it for me. I did go for it in Human Revolution, and when I got it it felt incredible. I can still taste it.
  3. I just finished this, and I'm so fucking angry I'm going to complain about it on the internet. I didn't get the no alarms achievement, and I don't know why. The game tells you nothing about the viability of the achievement as you go, so the only way to know if you made it is to finish the game and hope for the best. Apparently at some point an alarm was triggered and I was fucked out of the achievement without realizing. Maybe due to a bug in the alarm system, or in scripting, or who knows what? Maybe it happened 20 minutes into the game, or maybe 40 hours! I knew I was setting myself up for this the moment I started playing, and I'm not really surprised, because if you google that achievement there's so much FUD going around and weird incorrect hints and tips, and nobody knows exactly what can cause you to fail, and fuck it fuck what a major annoyance this is to me as a shitty complaining whiny gamer. I'm more than 30 years old. The rest of the game was cool! It had all the Deus Ex things I like, such as sneaking around and avoiding detection for 43 hours.
  4. The Last Guardian

    I've played this for a few hours and I enjoyed it. That is, I enjoyed it until , which is the most incomprehensible bullshit I've ever seen in what is arguably a mainstream video game. After furiously struggling for twenty minutes trying to figure out even the most basic aspects of that garbage, I don't even know if I want to continue playing at all. I know I could probably look up the "actual" controls, but I feel like I should be able to figure it out on my own, especially with the crazy amount of hand-holding the game has been doing up to this point.
  5. Still newer forum!

    Good job, this looks great!
  6. Quake Champions

    This trailer makes me cautiously optimistic about Quake Champions:
  7. Inside

    Oh yeah, I can definitely see it being a fun game to watch.
  8. Inside

    Hello! I just finished Inside, the latest (and second) game from Playdead, the Danish studio that did Limbo six years ago. It's out on Xbox One, and will be out on PC on July 7th. Anyway, I just finished it, and then, as I always do after finishing a game, I came here to read through page after page of intelligent discussion about it. Imagine, if you can, my disappointment at finding no discussion, not even a thread. I guess people are waiting for the PC release? Anyway, it's a fantastic game, but know this: it's very very very similar to Limbo in most ways. It has similar controls and mechanics, the same quiet, lonely, depressing tone, and a similar structure. It's technically more adwanced, and looks and moves and sounds like a thoughtfully put together and better funded 2016 Danish puzzle platformer. If you enjoyed Limbo (and if you don't know, you should try it!), you'll probably love Inside; run, jump, push and pull across a large, linear, continuous series of moody, desolate, eerie, beautiful set pieces, enjoy some light physics puzzles and some mildly exciting (but forgiving) action sequences, and finish off with one of the most creepy and satisfying video game ending sequences I've ever played.
  9. Idle Thumbs 'Net Chat Servers

    It's been one hell of a ride, but it looks like the server hasn't been used (very much) in ages, so today I shut it down.
  10. WIZARD JAM 2016 // Welcome Thread

    This is a cool jam!
  11. Tokyo 42

    So this was announced yesterday: I watched this and thought hey, this art style is pretty damn neat, and then I felt a little uncomfortable at what looks like killing a bunch of innocent bystanders. It's obviously a syndicatelike, and I remembered I also found the gleeful massacring of little people in Syndicate a bit offensive (Ugh, now I remembered the Peter Molyneux GDC thing where he laughed as he described how you could set fire to ladies w/prams) and then I remembered that it reminded me of how I felt watching the infamous church scene in Kingsman. So I guess I'm just a wuss when it comes to gleeful massacres. Anyway, this trailer is popping fresh.
  12. Cities: Skylines

    Oh, so I have a question for anyone who's been keeping up with this game. A couple of months after release I sort of gave up on the game because of how unintuitively the traffic behaved, and how you had to follow special rules, hot tips and specific templates («all of my city is a giant one-way off-ramp!») to get traffic to work. There was a lot of rumbling about this on forums («why do all the cars line up in a single lane, while all the others are empty?!»), and some minor improvements, but it very much looked like they wouldn't be able to do much with how traffic behaved (apparently this was to do with some core characteristics of the traffic system, and performance stuff) So, is traffic still as weird and nonsensical as it was at release?
  13. Firewatch Spoiler Thread | Henry Two Hats

    This is a take I agree with: