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About Taylor

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  • Biography
  • Location
    Del Mar, CA
  • Interests
    Art of all kinds.
  • Occupation
    Film maker
  • Favorite Games
  1. Half-Life 2: Aftermath

    Half Life 2 dissapointed me because of it's repetitiveness. The enemies were the same throughout the entire game, and the setting didn't change significantly or affect the gameplay at all- the strategy never changed to me, and I don't think they developed the plot well at all. Right now, Aftermath is looking to be the same thing. I'm seeing the same settings with the same enemies, and it is bummin' me out- who cares if an ant lion is in the city this time? What I wanted more from Half Life is a cinematic experience, like the immersion the first game provided. All of the gameplay in Half Life shifted as marines were introduced and different enemies and settings. The plot played out interestingly and sensibly, and I felt it was a much better game. Hopefully Aftermath will take the player to much different places and deliver different experiences than the run-and-gun Half Life 2. EDIT: Just watched the trailer- I do like the dialogue and the way the characters seem to be playing out, as well as fightint alongside Alyx. My hopes are a little up!
  2. Who loves Katamari? We do.

    The plastic on DVD boxes is never actually sealing what's in it. Here's my MSPaint cover:
  3. company outlook

    Fedoras? Tsk. Cavedog! Nival! As far as manufacturers go www.modernica.net makes sweet chairs and stuff...
  4. Doom Movie Trailer Out

  5. Dad 'n Me

    Just played it before seeing this thread- I was extremely impressed. The ninjas are a bit intense, but I loved all the time I spent playing in. I was really dissapointed with Alien Hominid. Where games like Metal Slug introduce bosses with weaknesses and opportunities to avoid deaths, Alien Hominid's were really difficult- not because it takes skill to beat them, but they just didn't have recognizable weak spots. What made me angriest about the game as a huge MS fan was that you can't distinguish your own fire from the enemies! For most of the deaths I racked up playing AH I had no idea who or what killed me.
  6. Doom Movie Trailer Out

    Vin Diesel does not fit that character at all.
  7. My favorite game of all time...

    I'd give ALL my hypothetical children for a copy of that game again.
  8. Doom Movie Trailer Out

    I was refering to stick figures (bad movies) in my simile as the end product, not the structure. Sallgood. I can see a horrible movie as a pretty good interpretation of Doom 3. I was pretty dissapointed with the game- how little the plot was developed or the gameplay changed. I think THE ROCK fits the Sargeant's character pretty well, seeing how he just shoots stuff.
  9. Doom Movie Trailer Out

    I know, I'm saying the cliches and pulp aren't what give it artistic value.
  10. Doom Movie Trailer Out

    I KNOW you wish you had that voice. I sure do.
  11. Doom Movie Trailer Out

    Tarantino's films actually hold recognizable characters and good storylines, whereas this Doom movie has the Rock and alien blastin'. Tarantino's films are definatly "shiny," but Pulp Fiction was definatly a great movie. What set that and Resevoir Dogs out form the crowd was the realisticly blunt and outright dialogue and actions when the characters were thrown into very extreme situations. As far as Kill Bill goes- didn't like the first, thought the second was pretty good because it built on the characters and the storyline.
  12. people these days

  13. Doom Movie Trailer Out

    As a student planning on majoring in film sfter High School, I really don't see how anyone can become a film maker and want to make those kinds of movies. It is like going into fine art to draw stick figures.
  14. My favorite game of all time...

    Hahaha, I did that too! I really need to find this game and a way to run it...
  15. My favorite game of all time...

    I know dude! I remember my sister getting me gatorade to drink when I was struggling through the later really really hard levels.