
Twin Peaks Rewatch 44: The Return, Part 9

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Twin Peaks Rewatch 44:

Twin Peaks Rewatch 44

The Return, Part 9
Twin Peaks returns normal (its version of normal, at least) after last week's atomic blast, tons of plot threads get linked together by Gordon and the FBI, and Bobby Briggs has his day. Join us for a discussion of Twin Peaks The Return, Part 9.

If you have a question for us or thoughts to share on the new season of Twin Peaks, write us at twinpeaks@idlethumbs.net.

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The WHOIS data on that appears to be from November 2016 too, about one month after the Showtime announcement. I'm going to bed to let the Internet dissect that sucker.

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There's a video linked in the page source which I couldn't see linked to on the actual page - http://thesearchforthezone.com/media/MVI_8465.mp4


If you click on the "Click here to read my older journal entries" link, you get a 404, and then this video starts playing - http://thesearchforthezone.com/media/radio.mp4. It's about 12 minutes long and seems to just be music and static but who knows what might be hidden in there.

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When the Blu-Ray comes out this episode will be titled "Deleted Scenes". 


They even recycled Au Revoir Simone at the end. Awful. 

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The Bobby stuff made me happy and I guess I was totally wrong about Hastings not showing up again.


I'm assuming when they run the prints on the coffee mug, that's going to alert the FBI as well.

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That text message Diane receives. Hmm.

It's different from Cooper's original text in that it's all caps while his typing wasn't, was it relayed from a 3rd party? How is she mixed up in all this. Very unexpected.

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1 hour ago, GregsVice said:

I guess Bill Hastings' site is real? http://thesearchforthezone.com/


Thanks for checking this - I was going to rewind and get that URL.  Figured they would make a site for it.  Unfortunately, it seems to be mostly an intricate ad for the soundtrack to the show - clicking the link for older journal entries plays a dark scrambled/pixelated video with a lot of digital interference on the audio, but it is just playing songs from the soundtrack.  Also, the mailing list link says you are signing up to get emails from Rhino Records.  Still pretty cool though - the site design is pretty reminiscent of old 90s supernatural/interdimensional/conspiracy sites and the old Heaven's Gate cult website :  http://www.heavensgate.com/


I'm going to go through the recommended reading links tomorrow - probably some cool stuff they actually linked in there haha.  I love the attention to detail and how rich they are making this world.  I'm halfway through "the secret history of twin peaks" now and really

enjoying it.


55 minutes ago, Octasco said:

There's a video linked in the page source which I couldn't see linked to on the actual page - http://thesearchforthezone.com/media/MVI_8465.mp4


If you click on the "Click here to read my older journal entries" link, you get a 404, and then this video starts playing - http://thesearchforthezone.com/media/radio.mp4. It's about 12 minutes long and seems to just be music and static but who knows what might be hidden in there.


That video you found linked in the page source but not on the site is a scrambled image of the convenience store from the Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima sequence in episode 8 - the one that had all the Woodsman skittering about outside.

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Of all the characters I've been excited to see interact, I didn't think Albert and Constance would have my favorite interaction so far (but damn-near tied with Diane interacting with anyone).


And that Betty Briggs scene was really well acted. It could have Just been explosion setting up the Garland breadcrumb-trail, but the acting made it sing. The range Lynch is getting out of his actors is great this season. 


Some good Badalamenti this episode too!

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Wow, what an awesome episode.  I love it when plot threads start intertwining.  The revelation that Hastings and Davenport were investigating the "Zone" (aka the Black Lodge?) was a massive plotbomb that suddenly explained so much -- obviously the coordinates Bad Cooper is searching for are the coordinates Ruth found for the Major, and now we understand why Bad Cooper wanted to frame Hastings.

  • I really loved the stuff with Bobby, and I'm so happy that he's going to play a bigger role as the season goes on, and not just be a background player.
  • The sound in Beverly's office is obviously going to have continuing importance, and I'm glad it wasn't just random weirdness.
  • Also, I totally felt for Jerry Horne in this episode.  I have so been there, man.  So been there.  I actually feel like that is leading somewhere too, and I think Jerry is probably making his way, unwittingly, towards this Jack Rabbit Palace and a truly mind-blowing trip.
  • Finally, very interesting that they brought up Johnny Horne.  Wonder where that will lead.


Oh, and of course, the tidbit that will have everyone flying off into wild conjecture land:  Why is Diane receiving texts from Bad Cooper!?!

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Did anyone catch the date Bill Hastings signed on the picture of Major Briggs? It looked like 9/20, but he was whimpering while talking, and he could have said 9/29 (which would match with the dates of the Truman, Bobby and Hawk scene, as they remark 10/1 is two days away). If the dates are indeed different, it would seem that the action taking place in Twin Peaks is ahead of what's happening in the Dakotas, both with Bad Coop and Gordon & Co. I wonder what significance this will have when the plotlines finally converge - and if it has to do with Mike's "Is it future, or is it past?"

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2 hours ago, Octasco said:

There's a video linked in the page source which I couldn't see linked to on the actual page - http://thesearchforthezone.com/media/MVI_8465.mp4


If you click on the "Click here to read my older journal entries" link, you get a 404, and then this video starts playing - http://thesearchforthezone.com/media/radio.mp4. It's about 12 minutes long and seems to just be music and static but who knows what might be hidden in there.


At the bottom of the page are coordinates, presumably the ones Bill and Ruth got for Briggs?


Somewhere in South Dakota. Buckhorn obviously isn't a real town but maybe it's near there.

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Finally.  Delightful.  The "Marbles" exchange -- an actual, genuine moment for Albert.


That's the first real taste of Albert we've gotten this season.  Apologies, I don't count "Fuck Gene Kelley."  All the Albertisms up to this point have felt a tad bit tacked on for my taste.  Albert has come across as a remarkably deferent character who isn't actually worth "apologizing for."




But I liked the episode a lot.  We finally got to spend some time with some characters.




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3 hours ago, GregsVice said:

I guess Bill Hastings' site is real? http://thesearchforthezone.com/


I love how their attention to detail makes it looks like a 1997 website complete with smug asshole "Made in Notepad" icon...


...while at the same time being responsive on mobile devices. Whoops?

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In the podcast they mentioned wanting to see all the unused footage Lynch must have filmed of the old Twin Peaks cast going about their business, but if the Lucy and Andy scene is any indication I hope it stays unused. That was so painful. Overall a huge comedown from the last episode, with so much time spent chasing ridiculous Major Briggs breadcrumbs and seeing dopey cops act dopey. The stuff with Dougie's boss was interesting, though, and I liked the scene with the flag and the electrical outlet, even though we've been seeing him grasp at the same connections to his former life for half the season now. Oh, and Bill Hastings maybe the high point of the episode.

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What a straightforward episode! I guess after the last one you kinda have to do that.


I was wondering if Johnny Horne was going to be on this new series and I guess he was.

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Secret History connection: the second little slip of paper in Briggs' message capsule is a direct clipping from the dossier. It's a message the listening station received. The Archivist's conclusion is that he's being told that Cooper is the one to inherit his work... which obviously doesn't happen.

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26 minutes ago, JPL said:

Secret History connection: the second little slip of paper in Briggs' message capsule is a direct clipping from the dossier. It's a message the listening station received. The Archivist's conclusion is that he's being told that Cooper is the one to inherit his work... which obviously doesn't happen.

I thought those were the same printout Briggs showed Cooper in season 2? I guess not!


edit: I can only find this stupid still as part of some conspiracy meme image but is this the same text desk he clipping? 


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3 hours ago, KaiserAullirio said:

Some good Badalamenti this episode too!


The Badalamenti song in the credits is titled "Chair".  The text description for the episode is "This is the chair."   And then the obvious Briggs and Andy/Lucy chairs, but the song one is easy to miss.

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I liked this episode. It feels like the first half of the season was presenting all these disparate elements, then a weird thing happened (last episode), and now the second half will be the different storylines all combining in relatively concrete ways. There are a few things that still feel unrelated (Shelly's Daughter, Roy, Richard Horne (all stuff in Twin Peaks)). This episode, through small moments, filled in gaps that had for the most part already been filled in with our minds, but it was nice to hear some confirmation on Dougie's background, BadCoop's relationship w/ office guy and Ike / also Diane, the principal's relationship with the Lodge lore, etc. Also it seems like Jerry's foot is speaking to him in the voice of The Arm? I like the idea @Gailbraithe presented about Jerry getting tied into the Jack Rabbit Palace stuff. That's just too good.


For me, the dopey cops were a highlight of the episode. Those guys just made me laugh, especially the way the Sargent emoted when he burst into the room. I enjoy that there's still room for that kind of nonsense sometimes. Although Lucy and Andy are still bad. I don't know how they are so bad. It's terrible to see.

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