Ben X

Game Jams

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Allright I made a tiny game


edit: Adding a little more detail now that I'm awake...

I wanted to add a mechanic where sometimes you'd fly over a hill or a house or some other obstacle, and there would be a person on top. If you flew close to them, they'd get scared and you'd get some extra points. I had art for this, I just barely had time to implement what's already there; in fact, I had to fix a bug at 2:03 to make it playable. All the sprites were set to have the same depth, causing weird behavior; in the editor, I believe they were showing up in the order I added them to the scene, but in the web player, the character was behind the background.

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Its 7DFPS time!



Rules Make something. 

Theme  There is no theme.
FAQ Q: Can I - A: YES.. 


I'm going to try and realize an idea i had a while ago, it probably won't have shooting in it, and making it first person isn't even that good an idea. Anyways, always good to have a game jam to motivate you.

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I saw clyde retweeting some stuff about Indies vs PewDiePie, which seems kinda interesting? Mostly cause PewDiePie will play the top 10 games on his stream and that would be pretty good exposure. Frankly when I first saw the #indiesvspewdiepie hashtag I assumed he had done something wrong and people were organizing against him; much to my dismay this is a far more positive and productive event. The premise is to make games that are fun for the player and fun for people watching streams. Maybe a good excuse to make a Goat/Surgeon Simulator physics-y thing? I donno. It goes from Nov 21 to 24.


Also, based on irc chatter it looks like a bunch of us are doing 7DFPS in some format. I myself have been messing with UE4 and Blueprint and uh honestly not having an amazing time, which I'll probably be posting in the UE thread about soon...regardless, I look forward to see the rest of ya'lls games!

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Zoe's Antholojam seems pretty great.


Can't decide if I'm confident enough in my gamedev abilities to submit an idea 


been diving deep into Unity, programming, and modeling for only a month and a half or two, so probably not =\

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  On 11/11/2014 at 7:27 AM, SocialJusticeWorrier said:

Zoe's Antholojam seems pretty great.

Can't decide if I'm confident enough in my gamedev abilities to submit an idea

been diving deep into Unity, programming, and modeling for only a month and a half or two, so probably not =\

Antholojam seems to expect far more commitment than most game-jams.

CloneJamPorpi is going to be from. November 14th through the 16th. I am hoping to do something for that. I learned a lot from CloneJamJake (still am actually since I'm still adding stuff to it) and I am a Porpentine fan.

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I first read this



8. Please don't make games that are shitty to anyone.


as "Please, don't make a game anyone might find a bit shit." and thought that is a bit unfair, isn't it? But yeah, ok, like.. shitty towards anyone. I get it now.

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  On 11/11/2014 at 11:52 AM, clyde said:

Antholojam seems to expect far more commitment than most game-jams.


Yeah, I think that's pretty neat though.


Eek, might have to try something for CloneJamPorpi

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  On 11/11/2014 at 12:22 PM, BigJKO said:

I first read this




as "Please, don't make a game anyone might find a bit shit." and thought that is a bit unfair, isn't it? But yeah, ok, like.. shitty towards anyone. I get it now.

I found this humorous.



I just updated my #CloneJamJake entry. It's much more true to my vision.

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  On 11/11/2014 at 11:03 PM, clyde said:

I found this humorous.



I just updated my #CloneJamJake entry. It's much more true to my vision.


Really nice sound design on this one.


It wasn't clear to me if the part with the grid of flashing symbols was the end of the game or not. I couldn't figure out if there was anyway to interact with it beyond moving the pink square around.

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  On 11/8/2014 at 5:11 PM, SpennyDubz said:

Its 7DFPS time! I'm going to try and realize an idea i had a while ago, it probably won't have shooting in it, and making it first person isn't even that good an idea. Anyways, always good to have a game jam to motivate you.


I did a thing! I'm probably going to make a video where I talk about what is going on in it. Just happy to have something done.

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  On 11/14/2014 at 5:31 AM, ihavefivehat said:

Really nice sound design on this one.

It wasn't clear to me if the part with the grid of flashing symbols was the end of the game or not. I couldn't figure out if there was anyway to interact with it beyond moving the pink square around.

That's the last scene. I rarely know when a Jake Clover game is over, so I was comfortable with just leaving it there.

Oh by the way ihavefivehat, thanks so much for recommending Nature of Code

I'm only in the first chapter, but the introduction was amazing. It's had a huge effect on my games. I attempted to write a Gaussian distribution for the liquid-dropping sound in my CloneJamJake game and I'm really pleased with how it turned out. I'm not sure if I wrote it right, but it works as intended. I also use the Monte Carlo distribution all the time now. Custom psuedo-random distributions really help me tune my games.

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I made this thing for 7dfps


I don't really know what it is or where I was doing with it. I sort of enjoy it though, I suppose. Mostly I'm glad I finally sat down to mess with UE4. I still haven't written any C++ (though I have been intending to) so this was all done in Blueprint.


Anyway here's a silly gif of a bug I made





SpennyDubz, I dig the game, you got the movement to feel pretty good. Gliding around is pretty fun, though I wasn't always sure how different angles would affect my direction.


Also I used that destroyed building model in my cyberpunk jam game, its pretty solid.

Edited by Dinosaursssssss

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  On 11/14/2014 at 6:06 AM, SpennyDubz said:

I did a thing! I'm probably going to make a video where I talk about what is going on in it. Just happy to have something done.


This is neat. I enjoy how the unfamilarity of the controls encourages me to do confused barrel-rolls. It's a neat traversal system.

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Dinosaursss, that gif! Looks like a video game adaptation of the movie Evolution starring David Duchovny!

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I guess I'll take that as a compliment?


Anyway I made some more gifs, including one of what the cactus growth actually looks like now:




I pretty badly need to do some checks on the cacti to make them stop growing if they hit another cactus or kill them off if they intersect too many cacti, this is spawning super dense clusters of hundreds of them that lag out pretty quickly.


...that said, I'm not sure I wanna keep working on this, and even if I do, I'd probably rather move it to C++ and change it all anyway? *shrug* Game jams!


Also the next Ludum Dare is Dec 5th to 7th, I'm gonna be travelling on the 6th so maybe I'll do a 6 hour Plane Jam instead.

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  On 11/15/2014 at 2:11 AM, Dinosaursssssss said:

I made this thing for 7dfps


SpennyDubz, I dig the game, you got the movement to feel pretty good. Gliding around is pretty fun, though I wasn't always sure how different angles would affect my direction.


Also I used that destroyed building model in my cyberpunk jam game, its pretty solid.


I tried running you're game but I got an error saying I was missing MSVCR120.dll :sad: 


Finding the ruined city package was heaven sent after I completely failed at creating something with the terrain editor. Asset store FTW.


  On 11/15/2014 at 5:15 AM, clyde said:

This is neat. I enjoy how the unfamilarity of the controls encourages me to do confused barrel-rolls. It's a neat traversal system.


Thanks for the compliments Dino and Clyde. 

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  On 11/14/2014 at 6:06 AM, SpennyDubz said:

I did a thing! I'm probably going to make a video where I talk about what is going on in it. Just happy to have something done.


This was great! I loved flying and swooping through the air. It was slightly awkward that in order to look anywhere I had to start moving that way. (ie. When I wanted to look down at the city I'd start diving) It'd be hard to avoid that without an Occulus though and I got used to it.


Are you planning to expand on this? It'd make for a great walking simulator/Proteus style game.

Also I'm trying to get cactus simulator but my internet or is acting up and wont download it. I'll figure it out eventually.

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  On 11/16/2014 at 7:01 PM, SuperBiasedMan said:

This was great! I loved flying and swooping through the air. It was slightly awkward that in order to look anywhere I had to start moving that way. (ie. When I wanted to look down at the city I'd start diving) It'd be hard to avoid that without an Occulus though and I got used to it.


Are you planning to expand on this? It'd make for a great walking simulator/Proteus style game.


Yeah, it occurred to me as I was developing it that it would fit really well with an Occulus. I think my fix for that would be to have the D-Pad allow you to change the camera angle, probably not to treat it as a third stick, but instead allow you to click between some fixed angles. I didn't have plans to expand until I started reading the feedback I got. I think I actually made something that connected with people, so yeah, I'll have to give some more thought to it.

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Yay got it to work! Thanks bakelite.


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My CloneJamPorpi submission is up. I didn't have time to get the colors right and I'd like it to have been far more expansive, but this is a good seed with which to start a larger project... maybe. I got a lot out of this project. Word-choice and tone is so significant when you are writing for agency.

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  On 11/16/2014 at 7:01 PM, SuperBiasedMan said:

Also I'm trying to get cactus simulator but my internet or is acting up and wont download it. I'll figure it out eventually.


According to a helpful person in the comments, this is something on itch's end with file downloads. I switched mine to use Dropbox rather than me uploading a zip directly and it seems to have fixed it. Apparently it's a recurring issue for itch, so I guess keep that little fix in mind for the future. I can't blame them, hosting ~350mb zips for free is quite a commitment.


And actually this highlights some weaknesses of UE to me, that are particularly problematic in a jam context. The "tiny" (by my estimation) game I made is actually 600mb unzipped, only runs on Windows, and has to be downloaded, unzipped, and run as an .exe. Certainly small barriers to entry, but barriers nonetheless. Unity Web Player isn't perfect but it certainly seems to nail accessibility in comparison. Glad I took a poke at it anyway, I'm starting to get a better sense of when and why you'd use each engine.

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  On 11/17/2014 at 3:50 PM, Dinosaursssssss said:

According to a helpful person in the comments, this is something on itch's end with file downloads. I switched mine to use Dropbox rather than me uploading a zip directly and it seems to have fixed it. Apparently it's a recurring issue for itch, so I guess keep that little fix in mind for the future. I can't blame them, hosting ~350mb zips for free is quite a commitment.


And actually this highlights some weaknesses of UE to me, that are particularly problematic in a jam context. The "tiny" (by my estimation) game I made is actually 600mb unzipped, only runs on Windows, and has to be downloaded, unzipped, and run as an .exe. Certainly small barriers to entry, but barriers nonetheless. Unity Web Player isn't perfect but it certainly seems to nail accessibility in comparison. Glad I took a poke at it anyway, I'm starting to get a better sense of when and why you'd use each engine.


If a file is over 100mb, I often skip it until I'm going to go wash dishes or something. Sometimes I forget that the game exists in that time. 

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