clyde Posted May 29, 2016 Don't let them get to ya. Everything I do is considered cheesy or cowardly if it is a winning strategy. I've really pissed some people off with Symmetra. I get the impression that some people only play one character and they make up various honor-rules of who you can't play as (typically their counters). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thepaulhoey Posted May 30, 2016 Maybe that's it, although this guy was on our team. Maybe he thought he did something deserving of the award. After a few hours there's 2 things I find annoying. The first is that in pub games it only takes 2 people who aren't interested in the objective or are only interested in playing a character that doesn't work well within the team to lead to you getting steam rolled which can be annoying. I've had games with 3 Widowmakers on attack and no one willing to change and you just get destroyed. The other is that there's a lot of times where what I see in the kill cam is totally off with what I saw on my screen as far as positioning etc. goes and other times I can barely tell what killed me and it's something that I think will hold it back from being a competitive game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BigJKO Posted May 30, 2016 The positioning thing probably stems from how the game treats lag. I watched a video of two Bliz guys explaining how they handle latency and what they favour and they lean heavily on the shooter being right. So if, because of latency (to a degree, they don't favour people with huge lag) the enemy can still see you despite you having just made it around a corner, and in his own view he doesn't miss, the server will register it as a hit. There's some balancing there, of course, but they tend to favor the shooter, which is probably why you feel like you're being cheated when you made it around a corner but still get shot. It's a really interesting video, actually. They talk about how they almost always favour shooter-first, unless the target has a special quick-move ability they fire off for example Pharah's horizontal jump. The server will honor that horizontal jump over what the shooter sees. Balancing what each player sees and gets hits for due to latency is always tricky in multiplayer games and it's really interesting to hear them talk about how they tackle it. I just played a bunch of matches with Winston and I think I'm in love. His jump is just so amazing and versatile. Good for traversing big distances, good for jumping in to disrupt and good for jumping out of trouble. I love that big ape. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thepaulhoey Posted May 30, 2016 Oh I'll have to watch that. I figured it was down to how they handle latency and it's not something I get annoyed about because I just play for fun. Also there's no way to handle latency that keeps everyone happy, someone is going to get the short end of the stick so it just is how it is. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Griddlelol Posted May 30, 2016 Quick poll, where is everyone playing? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gwardinen Posted May 30, 2016 Do you mean which platform? If so, I made you a quick straw poll. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thepaulhoey Posted May 30, 2016 Or Region? I'm playing on PC in Europe. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SuperBiasedMan Posted May 30, 2016 opinionated in a way that is different from me on Enemy Unknown servers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JonCole Posted May 30, 2016 police constable on (star wars) expanded universe servers (I'm actually playing on PS4) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Griddlelol Posted May 30, 2016 Hah, I completely forgot that Blizzard separate EU and US. Why do they still do that? Seems like a relic from 10 years ago. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eRonin Posted May 31, 2016 Well ping across continents hasn't improved in the past decade. I don't think that's something they can fix. Nothing's stopping you from switching to another server though, since the unlocks don't matter to gameplay, unlike say, Hearthstone or Heroes of the Storm. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Twig Posted May 31, 2016 There's no reason to keep it separate, though. Dota 2 easily handles a dozen (or more?) regions, and just lets users select which regions they want to enable for their own personal matchmaking. No reason Blizzard couldn't set it up that way. Dota 2 also lets you select languages, but people don't seem to respect that all too often. U: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Salacious Snake Posted May 31, 2016 Finally got 5 commendations in a match as Lucio. Felt good to be appreciated! I'm finding that I like all the characters that I try for a bit. Sometimes I'll initially bounce off, but once I kinda figure them out they become part of the repertoire. I think they've done a brilliant job of designing these characters/classes. They all have some fun twist. In most class-based games like this, I'll only find a couple that I like. Also, the ability to switch at will is huge, so you can adapt to the situation, and you don't need to worry about being stuck with the wrong tools. I'm so glad they went in that direction. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vasari Posted May 31, 2016 The problem with switching servers is that if you want to even see your friends list from another region, you have to log out of entirely (not just Overwatch) and log in on the other realms. It's ridiculous that those are still separate. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dewar Posted May 31, 2016 Oh I'll have to watch that. I figured it was down to how they handle latency and it's not something I get annoyed about because I just play for fun. Also there's no way to handle latency that keeps everyone happy, someone is going to get the short end of the stick so it just is how it is. The part that is most infuriating is the fact that I can't hit jack with Widowmaker or Hanzo, and then I see kill videos where it's quite obvious that the reticle wasn't even on me when I got shot. I wish I had that kind of generous auto-aim/lag compensation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Badfinger Posted May 31, 2016 The part that is most infuriating is the fact that I can't hit jack with Widowmaker or Hanzo, and then I see kill videos where it's quite obvious that the reticle wasn't even on me when I got shot. I wish I had that kind of generous auto-aim/lag compensation. Yeah that's infuriating to me. I don't understand how I can't hit anything in this game and I'm rock solid in other recent FPS games. I refuse to believe it's just that I'm old. And then I watch other people's kill cams on me and what the fuck. When do you use Mercy's rez? It feels like such a waste to use it on one person and sometimes even two, but then you just hold it for 5 minutes because the first time someone dies all the deaths become staggered. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dewar Posted May 31, 2016 I use it pretty much instantly, unless I'm the only person left or we're in the middle of a do-or-die push. It recharges pretty fast, and the res distance is smaller than it seems so I've found it difficult to get more than 2 or 3 people in the radius, even if it's been a total team kill. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Badfinger Posted May 31, 2016 That Time I Resurrected Reinhardt Just Out Of Proximity Range To The Objective But He Was Tabbed Out And Just Stood There And Died. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thepaulhoey Posted May 31, 2016 Has anyone ever captured the second point on Anubis against a half way competent team? Any time I've played no matter whether I'm defending or attacking the defending team wins easily. There's so many blind spots for the attackers to deal with and if the team has Bastion he can just move to different spots so they don't know where they're going to get destroyed from when they come in. Couple that with turrets, mines etc. and a respawn that's right beside it for the defenders and you just get destroyed as soon as you're near the point, if you even make it that far. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dewar Posted May 31, 2016 I've had a few close wins attacking that point, but yeah it's pretty dang hard. So's attcking the first point in Hanamura. That one suffers from only one way in (like a lot of points do,) but tons of defensive sight lines from a bunch of different angles and very few offensive ones. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
clyde Posted May 31, 2016 For the second point on Anubis, remember to use that pathway on the left as an attacker. Junkrat can lob grenades in (from the right, behind the wall) to disrupt positions and there are multiple sniping pedestals to use. Also of note: the statue in the back can provide a lot of cover from defenders coming in from spawn as long as y'all are holding that left flank. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thepaulhoey Posted May 31, 2016 Has anyone else been playing Arcade mode? It doesn't count towards your Profile stats(you still get XP and level up though) but makes up for it by being completely insane and a lot of fun. It's Overwatch but on set maps and with some modifiers and it changes each week. This week it's(I think) double health, abilities charge 4 times as fast and ultimates charge faster also. With these settings as Pharah you can spend the entire match in the air since your Shift boost ability takes 3 seconds to recharge. Just managed to live through an entire 10 minute match as her thanks to this. It's nuts and I love it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dewar Posted May 31, 2016 I played some, but enough characters were horribly broken that I didn't go back. For instance, Tracer can basically constantly rewind time, meaning you can only kill her if you get a one-hit kill, which is pretty impossible when she can also jump constantly. *shrug* Overwatch is already on the edge of too-fast-paced for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brannigan Posted May 31, 2016 Has anyone ever captured the second point on Anubis against a half way competent team? Any time I've played no matter whether I'm defending or attacking the defending team wins easily. There's so many blind spots for the attackers to deal with and if the team has Bastion he can just move to different spots so they don't know where they're going to get destroyed from when they come in. Couple that with turrets, mines etc. and a respawn that's right beside it for the defenders and you just get destroyed as soon as you're near the point, if you even make it that far. From my experience in the beta you usually need a reinhardt to ease the team in coupled with some ults. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites